Monday, March 17, 2025

Settlement sees environmental benefits for the Daly River

The Finocchiaro CLP Government welcomes a negotiated outcome for the Claravale Farm prosecution matter, which has been ongoing since late 2021.

The settlement followed an agreed

resolution between the defendants and the Northern Territory (NT) Government, which will result in improved environmental outcomes for the Daly River.

Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment, Joshua Burgoyne said that a covenant in gross will be registered over an area of land within Claravale Farm that had been cleared previously and was not subject to the court proceedings.

“The protective covenant will bind current and future landowners of Claravale Farm, ensuring the area of land is revegetated and protected, with the survey and revegetation to be paid for by the defendants,” said Mr Burgoyne.

“This area will no longer be able to be cleared or disturbed of native vegetation, no agricultural or business endeavours are to be undertaken, and the area must be kept free of weeds and fires.

“Without this agreed resolution, we would not have seen these environmental benefits come into play and we would have a protracted and expensive series of court hearings that could take another two years to reach resolution.”

The defendants have acknowledged that vegetation was cleared by them on a section of Claravale Farm without a land clearing permit.

The protective covenant has been designed for the benefit of the Daly River and ensures that Claravale Farm is now consistent with the NT Planning Scheme Land Clearing Guidelines relating to preservation of native vegetation buffers adjacent to the river.

The covenant in gross will be registered with the NT Land Titles Office over the property and will apply to current and future owners of Claravale Farm.

The notice of outcome has been made publicly available here.

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