Thursday, December 2, 2021

Border controls strengthen with South Australia to keep WA safe

  • South Australia risk rating elevated from low risk to medium risk category
  • Hard border with South Australia is effective 12.01am Friday, December 3, 2021
  • Travel is not permitted and approved travellers are subject to strict requirements
  • Approved travellers must be double dose vaccinated, test negative for COVID-19, self-quarantine for 14 days and undertake further testing

Based on the latest health advice, South Australia will be elevated to a medium risk jurisdiction effective from tomorrow morning, 12.01am Friday, December 3, 2021 to reduce the risk of COVID-19 entering the Western Australian community.


Travel from South Australia is not permitted, unless a person is an

approved traveller.


The exemption list is limited to certain senior Government officials, certain active military personnel, a member of the Commonwealth Parliament, a person carrying out functions under a law of the Commonwealth, a person carrying out a limited range of specialist functions, and a person given approval by the State Emergency Coordinator or an authorised officer.


Any Western Australian who has recently travelled to South Australia is eligible to return under compassionate grounds and must apply through the G2G Pass system.


Approved travellers arriving in WA from 12.01am Friday, December 3, 2021 via South Australia must:

  • provide proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test 72 hours prior to departure;
  • be double dose vaccinated against COVID-19, if eligible;
  • self-quarantine in a suitable premise for 14 days;
  • present for an initial COVID-19 test within 48 hours;
  • present for a COVID-19 test if any symptoms develop during quarantine; and
  • present for a COVID-19 test on day 12 after arrival in WA.

Currently, Victoria is classified as an extreme jurisdiction, New South Wales is high risk and the Australian Capital Territory is classified as medium.


Northern Territory is classified a low risk jurisdiction and Queensland and Tasmania remain very low risk jurisdictions.


The WA Chief Health Officer will continue to monitor and review border controls.


Recent travellers from South Australia should continue to familiarise themselves with the latest exposure sites reported by SA Health.


Anyone who has not been to these sites but develops any symptoms or is experiencing any symptoms, even mild, that could be related to COVID-19, is advised to get tested and quarantine until they return a negative test.


Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:


"The escalating situation in South Australia is concerning and while we get our vaccination levels up we need to reinstate the hard border to stop COVID coming into the WA community.


"I'm aware this will be disruptive to many and present challenges to some however we must do everything we can to protect the health of Western Australians.


"The health advice is to elevate our border controls which will better protect WA while the situation in South Australia evolves.


"This coupled with the uncertainty of Omicron just reinforces how vital it is to be vigilant and to get vaccinated so we can protect ourselves and our community."


Comments attributed to Health Minister Roger Cook:


"The surge in positive cases in South Australia means we have to act swiftly to protect Western Australians by preventing the virus from entering our State.


"We've seen the health, social and economic pain the virus can wreak in communities on the east coast and that is why it is vital we don't fall at the last hurdle, as we countdown to an announcement on when we will safely reopen to the world.


"Vaccination is the best way to prepare for the arrival of the virus into our State, which is why it is important all Western Australians get the jab before it is too late.


"Our summer vax blitz means it has never been easier to protect yourself and your loved ones, especially as we navigate the recent Omicron variant, which we still know so little about."


Premier's office - 6552 5000

Health Minister's office - 6552 6500​

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