Thursday, December 2, 2021

Healthway celebrates 30 years of promoting healthy lifestyles

  • Healthway is the State Government's only health promotion agency
  • Since 1991, it has funded more than 5,600 organisations with $455 million in grants

Healthway celebrates its 30-year anniversary today, reflecting on its work promoting and facilitating good health and encouraging healthy lifestyles in the Western Australian community.


Since opening its doors in 1991, Healthway has supported more than

5,600 organisations with $455 million in grants.


Established by the WA Government as part of the Tobacco Control Act (1990), Healthway was initially set up to provide alternative funds for sports and arts events that were supported by manufacturers and wholesalers of tobacco products.


It was also tasked with promoting good health by supporting research, sporting, arts, community and youth programs that promoted healthy lifestyles.


Healthway's grants programs have now expanded to target additional priority health issues such as increasing healthy eating and physical activity, reducing harm from alcohol, and improving mental health.


Other major achievements Healthway has contributed to include major policy change in public health such as smoke-free areas, reducing the promotion of unhealthy brands in sport, creating community events and activities that promote positive health, and internationally recognised health and research projects that impact on policy and practice.


As part of the Healthway 30-year anniversary, it has refreshed its grants program. To find out more visit


Comments attributed to Health Minister Roger Cook:


"In its 30-year history, Healthway has found innovative and effective ways to address the major health challenges of our times, from smoking in the 1990s, through to mental health.


"Healthway's model of working with organisations it funds empowers people to take control of their health by ensuring the environments they live, work, learn and play in all support good health.


"I'd like to congratulate all the Healthway-funded organisations, staff, board and committees who have been involved in creating a healthy WA.


"I look forward to continuing this work with you."


Minister's office - 6552 6500

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