Friday, March 12, 2021

Impasse broken- Journey to our own team takes a huge step forward

I had a further constructive discussion with AFL CEO Gill McLachlan last night.

Importantly, Mr McLachlan has agreed to our request that the independent review of the business case for our own team take place immediately.

Furthermore, he has agreed that the results

of that independent review be made available in the middle of this year which will provide us the clarity we need to make arrangements for AFL content in the coming 2022 season.

Whilst the consultant’s report will provide clear direction in terms of the strength and sustainability of our business case, given the uncertainty for the current season due to COVID, I have agreed to his request that the club presidents be afforded the opportunity to consider the consultant’s review once the season concludes, prior to a final decision being made on our entry to the national competition.

Discussions will continue on the engagement of an appropriate consultant that is independent and suitable to both the AFL and the State.

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